Monday, March 21, 2011

Thank you My Darling Baby!

First of all - I want to show the world the very first picture of you!

You are the two little round orbs there in my uterus! Oh what a stir you have already caused the world around you my love!! <3

Secondly, Mommy would like to take a second to say thank you to you. You have settled my nausea for the last two days! I am so thankful to be able to start feeling a bit more healthier these days! Like I can actually accomplish something without dying every 15 minutes! So, thank you my dear little one! <3

And thirdly, I love you. I love you so much that every time I think about it my heart feels like it may explode!!!  You and your Daddy are the LOVES of my life! I look forward to our meeting a little more every day!

With my heart!

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