Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sleep, frustration, and nervous excitement

My darling son,
You are 30 weeks and 6 days along currently. You love to move, kick, and fuss when mommy lays down. You dislike very much when mommy gets up early. And you make certain your opinion is known for most every decision that mommy makes.
Currently, mommy has been going to bed between 11pm and 2am, and in the process I have generally missed the morning time. I know that you are just preparing me for when you get here. I just wish that I wasn't so bored in the process.
Also, the lack of sleeping is making me frustrated. I miss sleeping with your daddy - because I have been sleeping on the couch due to comfort issues with the bed and lack of space.
Today was the childbirthing/breastfeeding class. Mommy (and I'm sure daddy) learned a lot about bring you into this world and what to expect from you and your arrival. It also makes me nervous to know we are really that close to having you here!
I love you my little monkey!
With my heart,