Friday, October 21, 2011

Your first surgery (and bath time)

My Darling Monkey,

Yesterday was your first surgery.

You were in there for about 6 hours. We all waited on pins and needles for you to come out.

Dr. A said that you did fabulous! He brought out pictures for us to see what they did to you. Basically, they started by going in and taking a bunch of biopsies every 10 cm. The pathologist took a look at the biopsies and after two hours they finally found some live ganglion cells at the lower junction of the intestine - aka the small intestine. Which means your large intestine are all ruined.

After taking a look at the options Dr. A decided to wait to do the pull through surgery until you were a little bigger - aka doubled in size. So now you have an ileostomy bag. Dr. A said you would have it at most for 3 to 6 months but we will be meeting with him every month until you are the right size for the pull through.

BUT the good news is: Dr. A said that you could come home maybe as early as the beginning of NEXT WEEK!!!

Everyone is very excited about that. Mommy is ready to learn though. I want to know what to expect with your  ileostomy bag. I want to know how to work with it and take care of it. And preferably a bit BEFORE we bring you home!!

I am so happy that we are possibly going to have you home before your three weeks old!

So on that note! Here are some pictures of your FIRST bathtime! :)

Where's the baby??

Snug as a bug in a rug! <3

We love you Monkey man!!

Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

  1. if you need help babe...I used to do my g'mas all the time...just let me know...
