Saturday, October 15, 2011

The days two and three of your little life

My Darling EJ,

Well, we are beginning a new kind of ride... From where Mommy left off last time:

Thursday you were just kinda hanging out in the NICU but it was becoming apparent that there might be a little more wrong since you hadn't pooped yet. But they wanted to watch you more so that's what they did. And while they did that Mommy worked on getting the Doctor to release her from the hospital!

On Friday morning, Mommy called the NICU to find out how you were doing. Your nurse said that you were pretty solid from not pooping and this was becoming an issue. You were uncomfortable all night long and made sure that your nurse knew it too!

Later on about 10am Mommy got released from the hospital. Grandma and Mommy were there in the NICU by 11:30! Mommy was SO relieved to FINALLY hold you and be with you in the SAME room!! <3 You were definitely uncomfortable. You were also gagging from the back up in your tummy and probably from the NG tube that had been placed in your nose (and goes down the back of your throat).

Your nurses - Rochelle and Sarah - told Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Auntie that you were going to have a barium enema around 2:30 so that they could get an idea of what was going on with your bowels and get an idea if there was a blockage. By 5pm we had results and they said you were FULL of poo and gas but weren't able to get rid of any of it. They said because of this they were calling in a pediatric surgeon to take a look at the results. Dr. A wouldn't be getting there until later Friday night so Daddy decided that Mommy needed to get home to rest because she just got out of the hospital. And the nurse said that Dr. A would call once he had come to look at you.

Dr. A called Mommy at 9pm and said that you were a beautiful baby but we needed to get you to poo! :) He said that after irrigating your bowels with 50cc's of saline some of the blockage had come out. So they were going to continue to irrigate through the night and then do an x-ray in the morning to see if anything had changed.

This morning (Saturday), when Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma got to the hospital Rochelle said that they had cleared out some poo over night but it wasn't looking like they wanted. Dr. R (another pediatric surgeon) said that they would continue to irrigate through Saturday and then Sunday morning they are going to do another x-ray. After the x-ray on Sunday they will most likely end up transferring you to Children's Hospital in Omaha.

So, tomorrow will be an interesting day.. Mommy and Daddy have figured out one thing about you though... You are stubborn just like both of us! :)

We love you Monkey!!!

Mommy & Daddy


  1. Your poor little guy! Sorry he's having such a rough start. And not much fun for new parents. Not how it's suppose to go. :( Hopefully they'll get him cleared out this weekend, but if he does need to go to Children's Hospital, he'll be in good hands. Hang in there you guys! Thoughts and prayers coming your way. <3

  2. Oh Ally Andy & Ej....we are praying for you all....... We love you & please dont hesitate to let us know if we can help in any way
