Thursday, October 13, 2011

First Letter to my BORN child!

My Darling EJ,

You are finally here. Though we knew you would come out "swingin" - I don't think that we expected you to come out needing to take a trip to Omaha so quickly!

So, I suppose I should give you the whole run down. Mommy and Daddy came to the hospital on Monday, October 10th at about 4pm to try being induced because you and mommy's body weren't getting along at this point. We started with some Cytotec (a pill that makes mommy's cervix soft) and we did three doses of it over a 12 hour period. Tuesday the doctor came in around 8am and put in a Foley Bulb Catheter. That stayed in place most of the day before it fell out on its own (which is what was supposed to happen). When the catheter fell out we were dilated to 4cm.

At this point mommy started getting some drugs because the contractions were getting harder. We started getting drugs about every couple hours - that quickly progressed to every hour though.

By Wednesday morning - after a very hard and LONG night of contractions - we hadn't gotten very far. We got to 5 or 6 cm by early morning. By this point mommy was exhausted. The doctor told mommy to try a mini epidural which would last a few hours and let us get some sleep! And by 10:30am-ish we were passed out you and I!! We slept pretty good but when we woke up we were right back at feeling the contractions. BUT we progressed to 7 or 8cm now!! So we decided to try another round of mini epidural to try and finish opening up.

Unfortunately for us, it didn't work. The doctor was then very nice and asked mommy what she wanted to do. Mommy told the doctor that she was pretty sure at this point she was too exhausted to push you out even if we were at 10cm (which we weren't). So it was decided c-section was the answer.

We got in at about 2pm on Wednesday afternoon. By 2:47pm we got to hear your beautiful voice and see your beautiful red hair! You were born 6 pounds and 11 ounces and you were 19 inches long! And as soon as you got into Daddy's arms you settled down - of course Daddy was so scared to hold you but I saw him melt! :)

Daddy and the nurse took you up to the nursery and Mommy went to recovery for a little while. When mommy got upstairs to the Labor & Delivery ward you had a TON of visitors!! Grandma and Auntie Andrea were still there of course but Nonnie and Boppy were also there!

It wasn't long after that that Daddy filled Mommy in on what was going on. You were born with a 30% collapsed lung. The doctor wanted to send you to UNMC NICU and said that you would need to be operated on to get the lung inflated.

The NICU team was really nice and told us that you had already started to heal a little and that when you got to the hospital they probably would just observe you for the evening and see how you did. They took you at about 7:15pm for your ride to UNMC. Daddy and Boppy met you up there and Daddy filled out some paperwork and got the low down on what the game plan was - and as it turns out all you needed was observation!

Mommy called your nurse (Sam) at 4am on Thursday and she said that you were off your oxygen hood and were breathing on your own! You were just hooked up to an IV for fluids and they gave you a pacifier to give you something to suck on.

Mommy is very much looking forward to seeing you again and to *FINALLY* be able to hold your cute little wrinkly butt!!!

Mommy is going to be working VERY hard today to start the healing process so that she can get out and get to you!!

Daddy and I love you so much!! We are so glad that you are stubborn like both your parents!! <3

With all my love,

EJ born on Oct 12, 2011 at 2:47pm. He was 6 pound 11 ounces and 19 inches long.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ally! I love EJ's birth story and am so thankful everything is working out. How scary to have to send him off like that! He looks like a tough little guy! Wishing you a quick healing so you can squeeze that cute little boy soon! Congrats!
