Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Growing by leaps and bounds!

My Darling Baby Boy,

You are amazing to me! You are growing like crazy! You are up to 12 pounds 9 ounces!

You are already on rice cereal in your formula and boy can you drink it down!! :-) You love to eat! I try to keep you on a schedule but boy does it get hard because you are one persuasive baby!! You are generally an easy going baby until of course you get hungry!! LOL!

We saw Dr.A on January 3rd. Dr.A asked Mommy & Daddy if we had been feeding you steroids because you have gotten so big so quickly! He also told us he was ready to proceed with putting you back together! We have your surgery schedule for February 6th! Daddy & I are VERY excited!!

Dr.A said that you won't be in the NICU again. Instead you will have your own room!! With a bathroom which means that Mommy can stay in your room with you. I am guessing that we will be at the hospital for about a week or week and a half. Tippi will be staying with either Nonnie & Boppy or Grandma & Grandpa.

We are also very excited that we are hoping to buy a house at the end of February! Your room is currently painted orange (and Mommy kinda likes it that way! [but don't tell Grandma!]) There will be tons of space to play inside and with any luck lots of room to play outside!

I love you my little bug! <3
With my heart,

P.S. These were taken last month by Auntie Tara but you are so dang cute I have to share!! :-D

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